Sunday, November 8, 2009

The bottom line of what?

What is going on in the world. This is a simple question if you have 24hours a day to devote to watching the news. Also if you have the capacity to remain awake while someone drowns on in language only the pundits understand. See what I mean. A pundit is a news worker bee. The are the people telling you how to think about the things they are teeling you about. I want to talk to you about things going on with out the snobby jargon that we hear on the news. It took me a solid year to decipher the news network code. I don't reccomend it. Just read my blog and I will tell you what is happening in normal human language. Let's start with the health care reform. I was passed in the house today. That means one of the two groups that make up congress saw a 2000 page bill and in about 72 hours gave it a thumbs up. Now the senate (fewer mostly old white guys) will have a shot at it. We are not screwed yet. But it doesn't look real good. I am obviously a conservative. No reason to sugar coat it. If you aren't I would love to hear your hmble opinion as well as long as you can keep it simple and realize everyone your truth may not be my truth.

1 comment:

  1. I don't totally understand about the health care bill. Is there going to be a penatly for persons you are unable to pay for health care?
