Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bad medical news

I went to the doctor yesterday. My sugar is out of control. I got a new blood sugar meter. Then when I took my blood sugar last night it was 426. If you know anything about blood sugar that sucks. So I am eating nothing but protien from now until the end of all time and eternity. Then I got a call from Mrs. C and she said my nerve conduction test will be on Feb. 23rd. Sooooo I called back and I left another message. I asked her if this was going to be a problem. Last time she said that the reason they kept cancelling my appointments is becuase I needed the EMG first. Well I am scheduled to have my disco on Feb 19th so I asked if this was a problem. The thing is if she says it isn't then that means she was lying about the reason it was cancelled in the first place. I hate this bitch. I am going to be calling everyday untill I have my surgery.

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