Wednesday, February 3, 2010

sleep issues

One of the problems with not having a regular schedule is never being able to sleep normally. I am now awake at 1:30 in the morning. I was exhausted at 4:00pm but forced myself to stay up until 9:00 yet here I am awake. It wouldn't be such a problem but I have to drive my daughter to the bus stop. Now doesn't that sound ridiculous! Drive her to a bus stop. Well she leaves the house so early it is still dark. I can't have her walking the streets of Las Vegas in the dark morning hours. She is in a magnet school. For those of you who don't know magnet schools are special schools in not so desirable neighborhoods. The ramp it up and to justify the cost they insert an academy and open it to any student in the district. It is like free private school. First the kids have to have the test scores then there is still so many they have a lottery. My daughter is taking classes a year ahead of her grade level so it is worth the early morning. She is twelve and yesterday she said she couldn't be late because she didn't want to go to a "B" school for college. I'm 38 and I am not really sure what that means. Where does she hear this stuff?

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