Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Disaster Number One

It is official I have had my first major medical scheduling snafu melt down. I really did see this coming. Things just were not runny smoothly. The snow ball started rolling in the beginning of January. I received a call from a random neurologist and they wanted to schedule an appointment for a visit. They did not know why which is funny.

So I made the appointment and got directions and forgot to get the name or phone number of the Dr. Then I drove the hour it takes to get to the other side of the valley. When I got the the directions were clearly wrong. Not just wrong but not even close to right. I mean the streets didn't even intersect the way the directions said. So I fought with my husband about map quest for another hour and then I gave up and went home.

I then went to my next Dr. apt and asked for a closer office. I was told no problem. Well the next day I get a call from the office and the wonderful Mrs. C. We will call her that in case someday someone ever reads this blog. Well she said I can't go to them because the insurance is approved for The original Dr. So I call and I call and I call trying to reschedule. Nothing they never call. Then I come home two weeks ago to find out my surgeon called and they have to cancel the Disco because the insurance hasn't approved it. Then again last week same thing. In the mean time I call several times wondering when I will get any information about the hospital stay since I haven't.

This brings us to today. I have a regular appointment and it is only a week till surgery. I plan to ask what is up and I assume I will have to do a little complaining. Well I had no idea. I tell the PA I haven't heard anything and he passes the buck to the scheduler you know Mrs. C. Then I get the message that my insurance clearance for the disco expired. Hmm.... Expired. The one that hadn't come in as of Sat. expired. ????? So I say how does something expire that has never been issued. Seems reasonable .....right? Am I crazy? Apparently I am and also a lazy appointment skipping, lying liar that lies.

The lovely Mrs. C explains that because of my own personality flaws you things like not answering phones or living up to my responsibilities on the paper work she personally gave me......screeeeech.........halt. What???? Y0u personally gave me???? Lady I have never met you before. I have only spoken to you on the phone twice. And I might add during these phone calls you told me my MRI hadn't been approved and after I probed a little you suddenly realized it had. Thank God I did that or else we would be missing that test as well.

There will be no surgery on Feb 10th. Mrs. C doesn't know how to make it any clearer to my dumb ass. I explain about the three calls to the nero Dr. to rescheduled that had remained unanswered. She promptly calls them and schedules and they tell her they have been trying
to call me bullshit. Well maybe bullshit and maybe the kids have answered the phone and did not give me the message. However, I did explain that I have said time and time again that my cell was the phone that needed to be called.

To make an already long story not much longer. The bottom line is that my surgery is no longer scheduled for Feb 10th. It isn't scheduled at all. Now we have to do all the testing again and start from scratch. I balled and complained for an hour and a half then scheduled my new appointments and left.

About two hours latter I called back an left a message apologizing for being so emotional. I think the fault is shared at this point. She never gave me any info the day we got the surgery date and I have a house full of children who don't deliver messages. And forward we march.

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