Thursday, February 11, 2010

Toooo long between posts!

I have to stop putting off posts like this. I have a few little medical tidbits to talk about.

First, on Monday I went to the neurologist. I was supposed to be getting a nerve conduction test but I had a sinking feeling that that wasn't going to happen. Why? Because nothing in this process seems to be happening as expected. SO I went and had a consult. In which the Dr. so nicely informed me I was going to have a nerve conduction test. Yawn. I went to the lobby where my whole family was waiting. They went with me because they decided if they were getting me out of the house they were getting me to go to dinner. We use to go several times a week but now that I have been home I usually refuse to go out. So when I came out with the Dr. They said have a seat and we will call you to schedule an appointment. I thought um... no I will not wait in a waiting room after a Dr. appointment. So I went up to the little glass window and explained I have a life and need to leave. They said they would call me. This should have been a BIG RED FLAG!!! But I give them my cell phone and go to dinner with my family(Outback).

Of course the next call. I wait optimistically. The next day I decide this crap is not going to happen to me again. SO I call and get put on hold. According to my phone I wait 4 min. Then I hang up call back and claim I was disconnected. I have been using this method for year. It is the one truly passive aggressive thing I do. Then I waited 6!!!! more minutes and call back AGAIN. Some story. They say " you were here today right?"


" oh we usually schedule appointments before you leave so we thought it was today ( I will pretend I didn't explain before I was put on hold I was there on Monday).

"no I was there Monday but couldn't wait"

"We can't find you chart cause we though you were here today."

"ho Monday, I just need to schedule a nerve conduction test..... blah blah blah blah.....

To make a long story slightly less long. They promised to call me back in just a jiffy...They never called. SO because of my lessons learned I will be calling every day until I get my appointment.

To add to the excitement my regular Dr. got my pre-op test results and is freaking out. My sugar has gone super massive black whole. SO she wants me there Friday, for a double appointment slot, and I am to bring all medications I take and my blood G meter. I am in deep trouble. My machine broke like months ago I have been a bad bad diabetic. I'll keep you posted.

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