Monday, February 1, 2010

Pre Op Clearence

So I got up at 5:30 this morning to take Em to school and go to the Dr. I had my sister drive me because I have decided to stop driving. I didn't know what to expect they would take blood. Well the gave me something they called a gown. Ridiculous to call it that it was a paper vest that came just to the tip of my boobs and covered nothing. It was more like two paper towels. First I got a chest x-ray. She told me to raise my hands. Really? the paper towels were already at the tip of my boobs. I told OK but I'm gonna flash you. After the c-ray I got an EKG. She told me to turn the "gown" so the opening was in the front. I layed on the table. Then she hooked up pads on my legs, arms, and torso. She said it wouldn't hurt, and it didn't, it took about 10 seconds and that was it. I know this test has something to do with my heart. They said it was normal but I know from talking to my brother-in-law who has a heart condition, all they can tell is I've never had a heart attack. Then the nurse said "wait till I leave and you can get dressed". I said "Why is there comething you haven't seen. She didn't laugh no sense of humor. Then 7 viels of blood, and a pee test and that was it. Home I went. Pretty standard I guess. They did seem to want some kind of form from my other Dr. about what he needed but I didn't have one. It may mean I need another bllod test or something. Oh and interesting side note. There was a student at the Dr. and he had done a rotation with Dr. Spine and saw hime perform the same surgery I am having. Small world.

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