Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm Baaaack

I haven't written in a few days. I have been busy laying around the house and thinking about how bored I am. Then while reading my favorite blog the Pinoneer Woman I saw something called the bloggies. It is a site that gives awards for the best bolgs all over the world. I decided I would check out these cool blogs. So I did and do you know what I found out? That the most popular blog is just a woman writing. No bells and whistles just a woman living life telling her story. I like it. She started like me. I am writing for my own enjoyment. I still will but now I think maybe someone will read this. The trouble is I wonder if this will make me change what I write. Will it make me worry. Well for now I am sure now one is watching and if someone does that's ok too. I guess if I didn't want them to I would have written this in a book.

So I am worried that the surgery may be postponed. I still haven't had my disco and I can't get a response from the doctor who is supposed to do my EMT. SO since the surgery is scheduled for feb 10 and that is creeping up I begin to worry.

Well while I worry I sit around bored. I worry about getting increasingly fat. I worry that I sleep to much. I worry that my sleeep schedule is screwed up. I don't know why but staying up all night and sleeping all day seems so wrong. It is what teenagers and cllege students do. Speaking of which my son who is 18 is doing that it is really irritateing to me. I have no explaination for why it bothers me. It's it wrong? Aren't human beings supposed to sleep at night?

See what I mean sitting around THINKING is just not a good idea. I am going to try to write it all down here. Maybe then I will feel more normal.

Friday, January 22, 2010

20 days till Surgery

Well I spent the day on the phone with various doctors trying to get pre-op testing completed. I was scheduled for a disco tomorrow. This is a proceudre where they put you in what they call a twilight sleep and inject the disk. They are attempting to find the nerves that are cousing the pain. I have had it done before and have no memory of it. Then I have to have an EMT. I don't know what the acronym is but they send electrical current to determine the pathways the nerves take. Finally, I have to have a MRI again.

I also am dealing with my disability plan. I am now required to provide info on all doctors I have to seen in the last year. I am worried they will give me difficulty. I waited the required year so the back condition would not be a pre-existing condition. I am trying not to get worried because of course insurance companies do this but I don't know what I will do if they don't provide the disability. Makes me nervous.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yellow yarn ball

I made a yellow yarn ball for my nephew. It is something he can throw around and it's soft. It starts like this. Then this. And finally it looks like this.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another day Another picture of something ....

This is the view from the car when I am waiting with Emily for her bus. The trees and bushes are in the park "Ansan Park". I wanted to get a piture of sunrise but the building were blocking the sunrise so I took this facing West . You can see the snow on the mountains and the different color in the rocks. Las Vegas is surrounded by mountains like these on all sides.

I was wide awake for this becuase I woke up at 3:00am. I slept before that for 18 hours. I have decided to try to keep a schedule and spend a linited amount of time in the bedroom. Even if I am in pain I will stay down stairs.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Writing a Blog

There are so many topics I want to talk about and I never know what to use. I saw a very interesting movie tonight called Julie/Julia about a blog written by a women cooking all of the recipes in Julia Child's cook book. It was neat but it made me think about blogging. She choose to do a blog about something very specific. While I am writing very random stuff. I am totally good with that because mostly I am just interested in getting my thoughts out. As I spend most of my time stuck in the house.

I vertured out today and it was a huge mistake. My sister decided to make a garden. She reorganized the entire back yard and started getting things ready. So I went with her to Lowe's to pick up seeds and a hose nozzle. That seems fairly mundane, Right! Well I should have known it was a mistake when my back hur tthe minute I walked in the door. Then I just HAD to take a look at the kitchen cabinets ( I am working on remodeling the kitchen. By the time we got to the check out I had to go sit in the car.

I was in so much pain I went home and laid on a bag of peas (for the cold). I hurt the entire rest of the day. This sucks. I now can't even go to the store for 15 minutes. I am so eargerly awaiting this surgery. I have not gotten an official appointment for all my preop procedures yet so I will be calling the Dr.'s office in the morning. Wish me luck.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Dentists suck ..... five freaking hours of waiting. I wrote a nice long post about this but they it disapeared. So basically it boils down to I HATE THE DENTIST.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Playing with the Camera

I decided to play around with the camera all of my kids are so darn cute. Today I concertrated on my 12 year old nephew Micheal he is adorable. In fact I think he could be a model. I promised him I would keep it EMO ( that is team speak for emotional teen). He would not smile any more them this he said his teeth are to big. Translation beautiful and white. Well physically I am feeling OK. Still bored but I am working on keeping my self busy(see picture). My biggest challange is sleep. I don't like sleeping all day. My daughter has to be driven to the bus stop( yeah I know that sounds wierd but she meets the bus for her magnet school at the local Jr. High. She is fairly well spoiled so we drive her to the stop. It would be about a 15 minute walk.) Anyway she leaves at 6:20 so I want to be up to take her. This will keep me on my work schedule. The problem is I feel really tired later in the day and want to take a nap. Then I can't sleep at night...... you get the picture... its a vicious cycle. So that's why I keep trying to not sleep during the day. So that is my main activity remaining awake. SOund fun huh?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Harry Ried's Flub

So Harry Ried says something raceist. It's OK though because Obama doesn't mind. As if Obama is the only black man of consiquence. Yeah it directed at him but that's not the point if he is willing to say it about Obama he obviously thinks it is an acceptable opinion to have. So why is Obama OK with it. It's simple he is willing to throw himself under the bus to continue his healthcare crusade. If Harry Ried resigns it effects Obama's ability to drive the healthcare bill home.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Morning.

Today was a busy day in bed. I completed some of my graduate work. Dylan had his friend Jordon over nad his friend Alton came by as well. This house is crazy enough, but when you add more teenagers into the mix it gets crazy. Yesterday I tried to spend most of the day in the living room. Unfortuantely all it got me was a lot of pain. I am super glad I have this blog. Even if no one is reading it gives me a chance to let out some of the frustration. I don't know if I mentioned but I am also dieibetic. I am wondering if my sugar levels are cousing me to be tired. I can't check because my meter is broke. I guess on monday I'll make an appointment to get a new one. Yesturday I got some Baby kisses from Mason. He is really funny. He is my nephwe and two and he climbed up on my lap and rolled around snuggling me. Here are some pictures my sister took.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Today I stayed in.

I was in to much pain to go anywhere today so I stayed in. I actually slept for 18 hours. This was horrible. I hate napping and feel like a slacker. I am going to attempt to make a schedule for myself to try to keep myself busy. To entertain my self I took a bunch of pictures of the kids.

This is my beautiful sister the mom of many of the kids in my life. She is studying. She is currently doing a midwife apprenticeship. That's why they are living with us so she can pursue her life long dream and the kids still have access to one of three other parents at all times.

Then her are the two middle children playing in the living room. I love seeing them play.
The older child is my girl in her natural habitat. Reading. She is either reading on the computer or doing school work. This is what goes on around me as I sit in pain. It's not to bad all things considered.


Jack went exploring with Dyan. The best thing about the park was the light for my photos. Then we ran into some friends!! So I took a few pictures of them as well.Vienna and TJ are my best friend Michelles kids they were there with their dad. This may not seem that odd but Vegas has 100's of parks.


Mason was everywhere this is a shot of him going down the slide.

A day at the park

I decided to go to the park with my two youngest nephews. The problem is my back does not allow me to do much and I can't keep up with them. So I took the two oldest along with me. Ellie is 16 and Dylan is 18. I would not have been able to go with out.