Friday, January 22, 2010

20 days till Surgery

Well I spent the day on the phone with various doctors trying to get pre-op testing completed. I was scheduled for a disco tomorrow. This is a proceudre where they put you in what they call a twilight sleep and inject the disk. They are attempting to find the nerves that are cousing the pain. I have had it done before and have no memory of it. Then I have to have an EMT. I don't know what the acronym is but they send electrical current to determine the pathways the nerves take. Finally, I have to have a MRI again.

I also am dealing with my disability plan. I am now required to provide info on all doctors I have to seen in the last year. I am worried they will give me difficulty. I waited the required year so the back condition would not be a pre-existing condition. I am trying not to get worried because of course insurance companies do this but I don't know what I will do if they don't provide the disability. Makes me nervous.

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