Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Morning.

Today was a busy day in bed. I completed some of my graduate work. Dylan had his friend Jordon over nad his friend Alton came by as well. This house is crazy enough, but when you add more teenagers into the mix it gets crazy. Yesterday I tried to spend most of the day in the living room. Unfortuantely all it got me was a lot of pain. I am super glad I have this blog. Even if no one is reading it gives me a chance to let out some of the frustration. I don't know if I mentioned but I am also dieibetic. I am wondering if my sugar levels are cousing me to be tired. I can't check because my meter is broke. I guess on monday I'll make an appointment to get a new one. Yesturday I got some Baby kisses from Mason. He is really funny. He is my nephwe and two and he climbed up on my lap and rolled around snuggling me. Here are some pictures my sister took.

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